For Bitcoiners

Endow any asset and project your values into the future.

Generational. The Bitcoin network and asset marks a generational shift in cooperation, shared values, and wealth transfer.

Immutable. Bitcoin’s protocol layer is ossifying; it is up to all of us to reinforce the social layer with Bitcoin as an institution of giving.

Spread the ethos. Hearts, minds, and the $10T+ in 501c3 balance sheets need to understand ‘Bitcoin is good’.

Project your values in perpetuum and seed a legacy of hope.

Endow any asset and project your values into the future.

Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Jeff Booth Price of Tomorrow

"Endow" icon
For Bitcoiners - Endow
"Endow" icon


Any asset with a market can be endowed; securities, bitcoin, crypto, cash, or hashflows can be endowed at fair market value, deductible at maximum tax efficiency.1
For Bitcoiners - Endow
For Bitcoiners - Grow
"Grow" icon
For Bitcoiners - Grow
"Grow" icon


Your endowed asset is transformed into bitcoin to timelessly compound ad infinitum; stored transparently and incorruptable with institutional grade multi-sig cold storage (and you have a key).2
"Give" icon
For Bitcoiners - Give
"Give" icon


We give some bitcoin from principal annually to Bitcoin nonprofits and a nonprofit of your choice. This low time- preference giving maximizes your impact. Bitcoin’s network incorruptibility and asset compounding can project your values, and the shared values of Bitcoin, through time and space ad infinitum.3
For Bitcoiners - Give

Make sense?

That’s how it works for Bitcoiners. Check out how it works for:

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1 The Endowment does not provide tax, legal, or investment advice. 

2 Endowed assets are irrevocable donations to The Bitcoin Endowment.

3 The Bitcoin Endowment aspires to be a timeless, perpetuating institution of good. ‘Forever’ is a long time (Laura), but it is not a legal term, representation, or guarantee.