For Miners

Deduct endowed hashrate.

Asset turnover. Miners need tools to turnover depreciated ASICS and at a greater IRR than salvage value or mining at a loss.

Reinforce the network. Add an exponent to your Proof of Work while funding Bitcoin nonprofits and furthering your own shared values.

Spread the ethos. Help orange-pill the $10T+ in 501c3 balance sheets and accelerate the world understanding ‘Bitcoin is good’.

Plan ahead and be in the queue come year-end tax decisions:

Deduct endowed hashrate.

Imagine Bitcoin with an endowment of giving larger than the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

$140 Billion by 2035 with 2% of hashrate endowed annually.

"Endow" icon
For Miners - Endow
"Endow" icon

Endow (Hashrate)

A novel valuation framework for endowing hashrate maximizes tax efficiency: you commit to re-directing future hashrate for a specified term and benefit from an immediate up-front deduction in the tax year at time of signed commitment.1
For Miners - Endow
For Miners - Grow
"Grow" icon
For Miners - Grow
"Grow" icon


Put your freshly realized savings towards new ASICs and grow your enterprise value. Meanwhile, keep your endowed hashrate online and watch with your own key as it compounds in your endowment of timeless bitcoin giving on your behalf.2
"Give" icon
For Miners - Give
"Give" icon


We give some bitcoin from principal annually to Bitcoin nonprofits and a nonprofit of your choice. This low time- preference giving maximizes your impact. Bitcoin’s network incorruptibility and asset compounding can project your values, and the shared values of Bitcoin, through time and space ad infinitum.3
For Miners - Give

Make sense?

That’s how it works for Miners. Check out how it works for:

Are you planning for year-end?

Fill out the form below and make sure you are in the queue.

Learn More and Join the Waitlist

1 The Endowment does not provide tax, legal, or investment advice.
2 Endowed assets are irrevocable donations to The Bitcoin Endowment.
3 The Bitcoin Endowment aspires to be a timeless, perpetuating institution of good. ‘Forever’ is a long time (Laura), but it is not a legal term, representation, or guarantee.